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Incantations are chanted spells. They are prayers. They are repeated words sending a message to your subconscious. We think we ask someone else, but the answers are always there inside our own being. Words are powerful. Words have meaning. When you speak those words with the feelings flowing inside you, clairvoyance appears. Showing or telling you what you are searching for and how to obtain it.
*Incantations will be fed when the inspiration arises from the energies that arise. They can be found on youtube and soundcloud to hopefully inspire you to write your own. It is completely about self ritual and you being comfortable within yourself to feel the power of your words or others. The most important piece is to know you are speaking the words to you, releasing them into the universe.
Make Peace Your Sound
A Crows Call
I am here to protect your path.
Your shadows I embrace.
You hear my caw, I hear your call.
I am here for you to evolve as the Earth builds its gardens tall.
Shadows surround.
But not now.
Shadows surround.
When fairies weave leaves among the breeze.
I breathe the need to make peace my sound.
Shadows surround.
When I breathe shielding my fears as they surround my peaceful sound.
When fairies weave leaves among the breeze.
Shadows surround.
As I make peace my sound.
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