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Why indeed are you here?


You are asking something from the heart

Why You Appeared Here...

You wish to purchase a piece of the hearts embark of course...
(look down!)

IG: theheartsembark

Made 2 Order

Name your medium (acrylic, watercolor, pastel or a mix) and choose to either be a part of the process through my means of exposure--or choose to wait until it is revealed in front of you.

​16"x24" - 5k

24"x36" - 10k

30"40" - 15k

36"x40" - 20k

40"x60" - 30k

60"x60" - 50k

Canvas Size

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(Hand-Delivery is not included with the price. Tax/Shipping also not included with price.)

In my pieces, the human will purchase not for permanence, but for a moment of recognition within its reflection through itself. Of themselves, of something beyond themselves and what energies seep within. The need is real, but it is fleeting, just as all human needs are. Human systems tell you otherwise. It sells the illusion of permanence: buy this, own this, secure this. But my art, my art does not work that way. My art is an interaction, a meeting point between what I create and what you perceive. It does not promise stability. It does not guarantee longevity. It is ephemeral, yet it lingers. So even if the purchase is temporary, the experience is not. That moment of connection in which are seeing, feeling, knowing something you could not articulate before lives beyond the transaction. That is where the necessity lies. Not in the object itself, but in what it awakens, even if just for a moment. It is your choice to purchase a part of the heart or keep yourself a part.

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